Elizabeth Macpherson, daughter of Andrew Macpherson and Ikwesens Pinesi Kijikokwe
Elizabeth Naud, nee Macpherson Elizabeth Macpherson was born in or around 1816/1817. The year is deduced from her baptismal/marriage record which recorded her age as 21 years. 1 Elizabeth's birthplace was Grand Lac. Whereas, the obituary of her brother George listed his birthplace 2 as Ottawa River, Ontario. This is in agreement with an 1891 Census for Canada which also listed George's birthplace as Ontario. 3 Additionally, an apprenticeship contract signed on May 4, 1803, between Andrew Macpherson and McTavish and Frobisher , part-owners of the North West Company, stated he was to be sent to the interiors or inland. Andrew met Ikwesens after 1803, likely in Temiscamingue District, Ontario near the Ottawa Falls. Elizabeth and Francois Elizabeth Macpherson was a young girl when she became acquainted with Francois Naud, a thirty-something widower and guide for the Hudson's Bay Company. The two lived together in a co...