The Colonial Merchant
What is a merchant? The Merriam online Webster dictionary reflects the definition found in The Uniform Commercial Code Section 2 ss.104 , and is as follows: a buyer and seller of commodities for profit: trader the operator of a retail business one that is noted for a particular quality or activity: specialist. We learn a merchant can be either a buyer, seller, operator or specialist. The online dictionary defines a commodity as a good or service. What was a colonial-era merchant? One online source wrote, "Historically, a merchant is anyone who is involved in business or trade". What business or trade was offered in colonial times? The answer is farmers, artisans , fur traders, canoe makers, fishermen , tavern owners , shopkeepers etc. Therefore, a merchant, buyer, seller, or specialist is offering a good or service in exchange for money. Contract law defines this as "an offer and an acceptance". In the case of a me...